In B2B PR, there’s an assumption that a lot of time is spent churning out reams of the dullest content known to man.
How could VNFs or SD-WAN possibly be interesting!?
Yes, you can write sleep-inducing bylines on SaaS, but B2B content done well is both thought-provoking and accessible. To do this requires creativity, and that same creativity is key to the campaigns we run at XYZ.
So, with that in mind, here are three important steps to consider when designing a creative B2B PR strategy:
1) Facts first
At XYZ, we love data. From industry research, to using our own tools to understand what the hot topics are in the industries we work in, it is the foundation of everything we do.
We start by conducting an in-depth analysis of the industries our clients operate in. We then find the gaps in the conversations, the key trends, and the top priorities of customers that inform the PR strategy we design for each client.
2) Make it real
Unlike B2C, our clients tend to work with concepts that are far less tangible than smartphones or VR headsets. To be successful, we not only need to make complex themes easy to understand, but answer the question ‘so what?’
It’s one thing to put into simple terms how, for example, a network monitoring product works, but showing the real-world benefits of the technology is something else entirely. This is the crucial next step.
3) Make it interesting
Once we’ve made the technology ‘real’, it’s time to make the client stand out.
Take the cyber security space, for example. This is a hugely crowded space with thousands of companies competing for share of voice.
We work with our clients to find a unique data-led perspective that not only complements their existing marketing strategy, but makes them stand out to both industry influencers and prospective clients.
It’s not the sort of off-the-wall creativity that spawned last year’s skiing yeti Argos Christmas advert, but is a far subtler art.
B2B PR and content creativity requires you to look at what your client is doing, understand the technical elements of it, and then find a unique angle that makes it tangible and exciting.
To find out more about introducing creativity into your communications strategy, get in touch: or book a free PR consultation here.